Monday, December 19, 2016

The Operation KingFish!

Operation KingFish...we all know this operation from Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
But what about the Operation KingFish in the world of hacking?

Well CyberCored (check our latest post for this White Hat Hacking group) started a new operation called...guess...KingFish!

When we asked a member why this operation is called KingFish,he answer us the following:

I thought that it was a good idea to start a new operation and give the name <<Operation KingFish>>
Then when i told the info about this operation to the others (members) ,everyone said that it was a good idea...So that's it...This is how Operation KingFish started!

Some info about Operation KingFish.
Operation KingFish is a operation that the CyberCored will try to "catch" as many scammers,pedophiles etc. and expose them,delete their accounts and basically make the Internet a safer place for everyone.

Informations: CyberCored

Friday, December 9, 2016

Russian Government Site Down!

Again PowerfulGreekArmy is here!

Yesterday again Satan666,a member of PowerfulGreekArmy took offline untill now a Russian Government Site!

Proof Pic Down!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Greek Government Site Down Again!

In two weeks a lot of government sites went offline.
Maybe hackers "love playing games" with the government.

Yesterday a member of PowerfulGreekArmy called Satan666 DDoSed the official Greek government site (for proof picture look down).

The site now works again but no one knows when they will attack again!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Fast Interview With CyberCored!

CyberCored is a White Hat hacking group that want to make the web safer. They accepted to interview them and thats are our questions and their answers!

Q| You are a black,grey or white hat team?

A| White/grey you can see us as ethical hackers

Q| Who is the leader of this team?
And what is his allias/a.k.a/username?

A| anxiious_ aliase: anXiious

Q| Your members are 16+ or lower/higher?

A| 16+ all of them

Q| CyberCored can team up with the police or a company for a operation and basically can work/help the police?

A| Yes we do a lot

Q| As we saw from your latest tweets,you recruited a hacker called AnBinXiouS,you feel happy that you have him in the team?

A| yes, its a good kid i'm happy with all my members because they are loyal and always helpfull to me and others

Q| How can someone apply for your team?

A| They Just need to DM me

Q| You want to say something to the team fans?

A| Thanks for all the reports and DM's you  guys give us thats what keeps us going and CyberCored will never stop helping people much love <3

Q| You want to say something to the people that want to start hacking?

A| Start if you have to, dont start for fun because you can't stop that easy. and if you start make some friends you'll need em

That was the interview with CyberCored. Also you can follow them on Twitter!

A Fast Interview with PowerfulGreekArmy!

PowerfulGreekArmy is a black hat hacking team that recently "took offline" many important websites.

So we asked for a fast interview (more like a Q&A) and they accepted!
So these are our questions and their answers!

Q| The team is called this team the members are only from Greece?

A| No, only one member is from Greece

Q| PowerfulGreekArmy is a black,white or grey hat team?

A| Black Hat

Q| Who is the leader of the team and what is his allias/a.k.a/username?

A| We don't have current Allias, But our past allias was GhostSquadHackers and I won't say the user name of the leader. (He doesn't have twitter or something..)

Q| Your members are 16+ yo or lower/higher?

A| They are higher than 16,yes, only one member is 15.

Q| How many members are in this team?

A| 16

Q| Is true,that AnBinXiouS was in the team? And if yes,you know why he left? Also (optional) the team want him back?

A| Yeah he was, he left because he was more white hat than greyhat and black hat. And I don't know, maybe, but we are good now.

Q| Do you want to say something on the team fans?

A| love our fans, stay tuned for more!

So that was the fast interview or Q&A that we had PowerfulGreekArmy,a hacking group that in the latest 3 days grew up incredible fast!

Cyber Attack Knocks Million Routers Offline!

ast month, the Mirai botnet knocked the entire Internet offline for a few hours, crippling some of the world's biggest and most popular websites.

Now, more than 900,000 broadband routers belonging to Deutsche Telekom users in Germany knocked offline over the weekend following a supposed cyber-attack, affecting the telephony, television, and internet service in the country.

The German Internet Service Provider, Deutsche Telekom, which offers various services to around 20 Million customers, confirmed on Facebook that as many as 900,000 customers suffered internet outages on Sunday and Monday.

Millions of routers are said to have vulnerable to a critical Remote code Execution flaw in routers made by Zyxel and Speedport, wherein Internet port 7547 open to receive commands based on the TR-069 and related TR-064 protocols, which are meant to use by ISPs to manage your devices remotely.

To compensate the downtime, the ISP is also offering free Internet access through mobile devices to the affected customers until the technical problem is resolved.

1 Million Accounts Hacked By Android Virus!

Dubbed Gooligan, the malware roots vulnerable Android devices to steal email addresses and authentication tokens stored on them.

With this information in hands, the attackers are able to hijack your Google account and access your sensitive information from Google apps including Gmail, Google Photos, Google Docs, Google Play, Google Drive, and G Suite.

Check Point has published an online tool to check if your Android device has been infected with the Gooligan malware. Just open ‘Gooligan Checker’ and enter your Google email address to find out if you've been hacked.

FBI Gets Power To Hack Million Accounts Globally!

The changes introduced to the Rule 41 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure by the United States Department of Justice came into effect on Thursday, after an effort to block the changes failed on Wednesday.

The change grants the FBI much greater powers to hack into multiple computers within the country, and perhaps anywhere in the world, with just a single warrant authorized by any US judge (even magistrate judges). Usually, magistrate judges only issue warrants for cases within their jurisdiction.

That's the same the FBI did in its 2015 investigation into child pornography site Playpen, in which the agency hacked into some 8,700 computers across 120 different countries.

The Supreme Court approved the changes to Rule 41 in April, allowing any U.S. judge to issue search warrants that give the FBI and law enforcement agencies authority to remotely hack computers in any jurisdiction, or even outside the United States.

Daily Motion Hacked - 85 Million Accounts Hacked!

This time a popular video sharing platform DailyMotion has allegedly been hacked and tens of millions of users information have been stolen.

According to LeakedSource, the DailyMotion data breach appears to have taken place on October 20, 2016, which means it is possible that hackers have been circulating the data for over a month.

The stolen data consists of 85.2 Million unique email addresses and usernames and around 20 percent of the accounts (more than 18 Million users) had hashed passwords tied to them.

The passwords were protected using the Bcrypt hashing algorithm with ten rounds of rekeying, making it difficult for hackers to obtain user's actual password.

ZDNet received a sample of the stolen data and confirmed that the data came from the Dailymotion website, but representatives for Vivendi, the majority owner of Dailymotion did not yet respond to any comments.